Building on the worldwide success of our online exhibition in 2020, we are very pleased to invite all artists to submit their entry for this most wonderful online exhibition which celebrates the diversity that makes us who we are.
“Celebrating the Strength in our Diversity” Exhibition 2022
Artists around the world will come together as one, to celebrate that which makes us who we are. That which unites us, that which keeps us together. Join us as we celebrate our strengths in our diversity. Join the online exhibition today. Submit your entry today!
Supported by the Doncaster council and Visit Doncaster,
this exhibition receives over 60,000 online visits each time.
“I have often wondered at the diversity of humanity. What makes us who we are and what we are, the nations, the cultures, and the people all around the world. All different, yet the same. I have often marveled at how similar we are, and how strong we become when we leave our differences behind.
However, imagine a world where there was only one type of person, a world where the same person is replicated billions of times. What a boring world that would be. Don’t you agree?
What keeps us together is diversity itself, the diversity of humans.
What attracts us to each other is our difference, it pushes us to engage and discover one another. Our differences are what makes us unique, we should celebrate them. The diversity of humanity makes us strong, we should embrace it, And so I invite you once again to celebrate with us the diversity that is life itself in our new online exhibition:
The open exhibition offers 3 people’s choice award chosen by the public:
1st Prize £300, 2nd Prize £200, 3rd £100
All work must be submitted online. If you are successful, you will be contacted when submissions close. Submission if free . Participation fee of a maximum of £25 is payable only if your work(works) is selected. Only 3 submissions per artists.
The exhibition will be promoted online, via our newsletters and various media outlets. It will also be promoted via social media as well as the business community.
Images must be in JPEG format and under 5MB.
Submissions closes: 25th Sept
Exhibition opens online: 15th Oct
Public Voting opens: 15th Oct
Public voting closes: 30th Oct
Results/prizes announced: 15th Nov
Exhibition ends: 15th Dec
All enquiries for purchase of work will be forwarded to the artist.
By paying your participation fee, you agree to the following terms and conditions below:
Your submitted and exhibited works will be used in our PR campaigns on all media to promote the exhibition as well as your participation. No artwork will be removed before the exhibition closes. All fees are nonrefundable under any circumstances.
You'll need to be logged into our website to vote. If you haven't got an account, you can sign up free.